Sandy Auditions

Annie Auditions - Sandy

2 dogs are required to play the role of Sandy on alternating performances (one Sandy per Annie!)

Audition Date: To be confirmed.
Please note: audition applications close on Sunday 27th June.

Show dates: 9th - 16th October with the 2 teams of children and Sandy alternating per show (full technical rehearsal in the theatre 4th - 8th October).

Rehearsals usually take place on Monday and Wednesday evenings, with additional Sunday rehearsals included from September onward. Rehearsal calls are usually posted via a private cast and crew facebook group which details when you will be required to attend.

Please only audition if you can offer your commitment. We ask this to benefit the entire cast and production team to ensure that the rehearsal period goes as smoothly and as fairly as possible. We are very friendly and realistic, and understand that there will be times where you have valid reasons for non-attendance which you can notify us of. We are aware that you may have holidays booked throughout the summer, please ensure these are included in your commitments.

Auditions for Sandy are now closed.

Douglas, Isle of Man

© 2021 Centre Stage Productions. Developed by Kelly Firth.